Walhampton Triathlon

Saturday 21 September 2024

Event entry details

The triathlon is open to pupils in Years 3-8 and is completed in teams of four as a relay. Your team may be boys, girls or mixed. 

You are welcome to include participants who are part of the wider New Forest community/friends in your team but there must be at least one Walhampton pupil in the team.

Each participant does each element of the triathlon as a relay. If you have a participant who, for example would prefer not to swim, another team mate can do that element twice.

Click HERE to enter (non-Walhampton participants to also complete THIS FORM. Timings are for the swim only. The run and bike may be completed as a team whenever you are all ready. Transitions are not timed.

Please arrive at the event approximately an hour before your swim time to park, register, store your bike, change etc. 

Entry cost £20 per pupil (which includes an event t-shirt) and this will be added to your next school invoice. Any non-Walhampton children will need to pay their entry fee via a payment link that will be sent to them before the event.

See our event poster HERE

Entries close on 9 September. 

What to bring





How much is the entry fee?

Entry cost £20 per participant and this will be added to your next school invoice. Any non-Walhampton children will need to pay their entry fee via a payment link or be added to their friends bill. Your entry fee includes a triathlon t-shirt. 

There is an entry fee to take part in the triathlon and therefore no pressure to fundraise further, but we have set up a Just Giving page for anyone who would like to seek further sponsorship.

What charity is the Walhampton Triathlon supporting?

The profits from the entry fee and any additional money participants raise through Just Giving will go to support the Walhampton School Foundation Trust. The Trust is a charity, providing a new structure for fundraising. Its main purpose is the provision of bursaries to enable pupils to enter the School who do not otherwise have the means to pay school fees. In that way, the Trust enables us to build a valuable legacy for the future, which fulfils one of the founding objectives of the School – to broaden access to the education our School offers in the community.

Hosting a triathlon is a fantastic way for the children to have fun taking part in an event, to not only challenge themselves physically, but also work together to complete this as a team, all whilst raising funds to allow other children the opportunity to experience a Walhampton education.

What is my start time?

Please choose your start time on the sign up sheet. This is the time you start your swim. You will be called as a group to change approximately 20 minutes before this time but please aim to arrive approximately 30 minutes before this time to allow time to park, register and put your bike in the bike area and warm up. 

Is the triathlon timed?

This is a fun event but for those who would like to yes the swim part will be timed by our sports department and we'll give parents a timing card for them to note down times for their team to add up your total at the end and receive a 'finisher stamp' from Mr Timms! Note that transitions are not timed.

Is there any specialist equipment required?

No specialist equipment is required. The only equipment needed is a bike and helmet. Bikes can be shared between team members as long as they are of similar height. However, every child must bring their own helmet. The only footwear permitted is normal running shoes. 

Do I have to bring a bike? Are children (as a team) allowed to use the same bike?

Yes please. Children as a team may use the same bike as long as you are relatively the same height. Every child must bring their own helmet.

How long is the course?

Distances for the Juniors/Middles: Swim 2 lengths, bike 1km, run 700m.
Distances for the Seniors: Swim 4 lengths, bike 1.5km, run 1km.

Can I use any stroke for the swim?

You may use any stroke for the swim apart from backstroke. Floats or noodles are also available for those that may need a little more help. 

Can I volunteer?

By signing up each team agrees to provide one adult to help with marshalling. When your team registers details will be given to you about where we'd like you to help. Any additional volunteers would of course be extremely welcome as this event wouldn't be possible without our wonderful volunteers, please email triathlon@walhampton.com if you can spare some time to help. 

Will there be refreshments available?

Yes Chef Richard will be serving the following to purchase: tea, coffee, soft drinks, breakfast goods, snacks, fruit and sandwiches. Click here to see the Triathlon Catering Menu

When do the participants receive their triathlon t-shirts?

We will hand these out at school before the event. 

Are spectators encouraged?

Absolutely. This is a fun day for family and friends and support makes all the difference to the children completing this challenge. The better the atmosphere the more fun the competitors will have so please come along.

Can I bring a dog?

While we love dogs at Walhampton they do not mix well with kids, bikes and the front lawn so we'd ask you to leave your dogs at home please. 

What about Pre-Prep?

Pre-Prep will be doing a 'Mini-Triathlon' on Friday 20 September. More details to follow. Pre-Prep spectators are very welcome on the Saturday.


The Juniors and Middles will each swim 2 lengths of the school pool.

The Seniors will each swim 4 lengths of the school pool. 

Participants may use any stroke for the swim apart from backstroke. 

Floats or noodles are also available for those that may need a little more help. 

You may use your own swim cap if you wish, but it is not a requirement.

You may also wish to wear goggles, but it is not a requirement. 

A swim relay works as follows:
1. The first team member gets in the pool, with all teams’ first team member starting together on the sound of the horn.
2. The second team member can get into the water as soon as the first team member has started, then begin their swim when the first team member touches the end of the pool.
3. The first team member gets out of the pool as the second team member starts their swim and the third team member gets in ready for the next handover, and so on....
4. Keep cheering until the the last participant of the group completes their swim!


The Juniors and Middles will each bike 1km around the sports pitches. 

The Seniors will each bike 1.5km around the sports pitches.

Participants will need to bring a bike and there will be bike racks on the front lawn to store these when you arrive. 

A mountain or hybrid bike is recommended as the bike section is on grass. 

Participants in a team may use the same bike as long as they are relatively the same height. 

Every participant must bring their own helmet.


The Juniors and Middles will each run 700m around the woods

The Seniors will each run 1km around the woods.

Normal trainers are the only footwear permitted.