Walhampton Triathlon

Saturday 21 September 2024

Thank you to everyone who took part and helped at the 2024 Triathlon!

Final Instructions

Thank you for entering the inaugural Walhampton Triathlon.
Do read our What to bring and FAQ pages for all the questions you may have. 

* Competitor arrivals after 08:45. Catering served from 09:00 (menu here).

* Please aim to arrive to register 30 minutes before your swim time

* Parking is along the main drive as normal. 

* Entry will be through the Middles Gate and onto the Terrace to register, then rack your bike and head to the pool.

* Aim to arrive at the pool 15-20 minutes before your swim time (ideally swim costume underneath your kit).

* Remember bike, helmet, costume, run kit and water bottle (read our What to bring section). 

* Triathlon t-shirts have been collected by the children on Friday morning break or will be available at the Registration desk for collection.

* It's designed as a fun event so there won't be published results and medal ceremony at the end but please do stay to cheer on your friends. 

* Toilets are those normal for a match day - located at the swimming pool and in the Courtyard. First aid in the Staff Room.

* For information, race maps are here: Overview, Bike and Run Maps.

The Event

The triathlon is open to pupils in Years 3-8 and is completed in teams of four as a relay.

You are welcome to include participants who are part of the wider New Forest community/friends in your team but there must be at least one Walhampton pupil in the team. Your team may be boys, girls or mixed. 

Each participant does each element of the triathlon as a relay. If you have a participant who, for example would prefer not to swim, another team mate can do that element twice.

Distances for the Juniors/Middles: Swim 2 lengths, bike 1km, run 700m.
Distances for the Seniors: Swim 4 lengths, bike 1.5km, run 1km.

Entry cost £20 per pupil (which includes an event t-shirt) and this will be added to your next school invoice.

The entry fee supports the Walhampton School Foundation Trust but if anyone wishes to look for further sponsorship please use this fundraising page.

By signing up each team agrees to provide one adult to help with marshalling. Each child requires a responsible adult on site during the triathlon, this is not a drop off event.

We are delighted to be hosting the inaugural Walhampton Triathlon on Saturday 21 September 2024.
We are inviting pupils in Years 3-8 to come and have fun swimming, biking and running around the beautiful Walhampton grounds with their friends.
The event will be raising money for the Walhampton School Foundation Trust.

For all queries please email triathlon@walhampton.com.