
For children at Walhampton, striving for academic success always goes hand in hand with emotional wellbeing. Both are equally valued. Whether it’s friendship, compassion, nurturing or support, Walhampton’s pastoral care is central to that philosophy and is an overarching priority for the school. 

2023-24 Pastoral Care at Walhampton.pdf

We are a school underpinned by values and driven by relationships. Our staff know that to help children achieve their best in the classroom and beyond, they need to feel connected, supported and secure. It starts with a welcome at the gate and extends to being there to help the children through the challenges that lie ahead. It is supporting, but not handholding, and we nurture children to give them the roots they need to grow strong and sure by the time they leave Walhampton. 

2023-24 Stag Landmarks.pdf

Stags, Stags & More Stags

A Stag is awarded for, but not limited to, the following achievements:

A piece of good work.

Excellent contribution to class discussion.

A marked improvement in any area of School life.


Showing Kindness, Curiosity or Achievement.

Children will receive different awards when they reach certain Stag targets over the course of an academic year depending on their Section. Stags are added up and an award is given to the Patrol and the House with the most Stags.

Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf
Positive Behaviour Policy.pdf
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy.pdf